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Foggy Mountains




SH Elysian Fields - ❝Elysium❞

Gen II Bull

Sire: Avalon

Dam: Lyre

Horns (UC)

No Progeny Yet.

Elysium is our Avalon's very first child. Despite his unexpected arrival, this young bull has become one of the most well-loved residents of Sycamore Hollow. Though inheriting Avalon's soft blue eyes, he definitely didn't take on his father's bubbly, caring personality. He's definitely not unfriendly and can make a pretty good friend to have around, but Eli tends to give the cold shoulder to most things, oftentimes being just as standoffish as his mother, Lyre. We're sure that anyone who gets close enough to him could change that though, since he has a soft spot for insects that hardly anyone seems to understand. Everyone except Cybele, that is. Sharing a love for entomology, Elysium often finds himself helping out Cybele with her bees or hijacking her daily activities to make her help him journal different bugs that he finds.




Buttermilks are a closed species run by Sprig on Chicken Smoothie (CS).

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